Basic Excel Topics
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- Basic Terminology - This module presents suggestions on using tabs, cells, cursors, and adding worksheets.
- Calculating Percent and Using Absolute Cell Reference - Learn how to tell Excel to always use a cell when performing calculations, rather than letting Excel select the cell to use relative to the last cell used.
- Entering and Editing Data - Here are suggestions about entering and formatting data, plus a review of cursors.
- Create a Chart - Step by step instructions for creating a graph in Excel [Excel calls this a chart]
- Create a Quick Chart with F11 - Instructions for making a chart that any student can make (yes, even Kindergarten!)
- Using Automatic Features - Auto fill, auto sum, merge and center, and a review of cursors are topics presented in this module.
- Using Equations - Here are suggestions about entering your own equations into a worksheet.
- Using Functions - Included in this module are examples of some of the common built-in functions in Excel.
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